Applications – Surveillance & Monitoring

“[SFL’s] customer-first approach and engineering prowess resulted in the first-of-its-kind RF analytics we are generating today. We are proud to continue partnering with SFL on the development of our next set of spacecraft as we expand on-orbit capacity and enhance our capability to meet customer demands.”
–HawkEye 360 Founder and Chief Technology Officer Chris DeMay
Formation Flying and Accurate Target Tracking are Game Changers for Smallsats
SFL is the acknowledged leader in developing and implementing high-performance attitude and formation control systems that make it possible for relatively low-cost microsatellites and nanosatellites to point accurately and fly in stable formations while in orbit.
SFL’s prior experience working with complex surveillance and monitoring systems helps keep costs low for innovative new missions. SFL has developed advanced formation flying technology that enables satellite constellations to provide comprehensive coverage of both wide areas and specific targets on land and water. SFL’s key to success relies on continuous innovation in an environment that does nothing but constantly design satellites for new applications.
HawkEye 360

Gray Jay

NorSat-1, -2, -3 & -4